Nanowrimo is here again and so am I. November is such a great month for it. School routines are settling in but the holidays are still not upon us (except my family did tentatively step into the Halloween waters this year... bit of mixed feelings on that one...). So here I am again. It draws me in each year like tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. I catch a glance, then a whiff, and then before I know it I'm signing up and choosing another title for the same story. Yes. The SAME story. Five years now? When was my first Nanowrimo?
(Running off to check)
This is my 4th year entering.
A boy who I have no idea what his name is. Oh yeah, why. Why? Like Why. His name is Why? Yup. (Just because it makes me laugh. Every time.)
The Changeril (see, the titles change but characters stay the same. Hello 2013.)
The big horns
The ghula
The wall, the swamp, the parents, all of it. It hangs out with me all year long, slowly unfolding into its someday final form. This year I have decided not to write at all, actually, for Nanowrimo, but instead to draw. Concise, distilled, essence of each scene pictures. If a picture is worth a thousand words, I figure counting each picture as 1667 words is close enough. So 30 days, 30 pictures, here I come.
Just a reminder to self and others: There are no Nanowrimo police. No one is going to chase me down because I did not "write" for Nanowrimo, right? (Breathing into a paper bag) It's an illustrated novel, with no words, because it comes to me in pictures. OCD rule follower - back seat. Time to let freedom ring.
My story. It's my story...