Sunday, October 15, 2017

Leftover Words

It turns out that having 20 unfinished first drafts or so is not all bad. Using Bibisco, I have now chunked it out into rough chapters and scenes, copy and pasting my favorite parts from various drafts. I picked Babisco off Google's list of free writing software because it sounds like Nabisco, but now I like it for itself and love using it.

I have 22, 398 words. And an outline! I am coming into this Nanowrimo with far more than any other year. Yay!

My writing affirmation for when the going gets tough is:


There may be a day that you give up, but it is NOT TODAY.

Time to read some Nanowrimo posts as encouragement and reward. Or browse Tiny Houses. I'm actually off to do a lava kit with my son that he got for his birthday. 

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